There are about two to three years I was with Mr Julio Semeghini and Dr Renato Opice Blum in a debate on computer crime law by Decision Report.
In this debate were also Cristine Hoepers CERT.BR the other guests, follows a link to verify a portion of the transmission;
Even then, in 2009, the project was of long standing waiting for approvals, (PL 84/99) seems to have no right and no end date.
With so many rodeos to put it into practice, once approved as amended and the "strikethrough" PLS 84 attacks and that more attacks will happen and these digital crimes even if they identified their attackers can not be punished because they still do not have a law that defines this type of crime.
I'm no lawyer, but I believe there is no fitness for Computer Crime still in Brazil. It seems that only the Decree Law 2.848/40 has something to define but not all of the offense. The fact is that the short memory of Brazilian politicians do not remember the attack in January 2011 complaining about the government Dilma, whose group Fatal Error Crew took the incident and claiming that the attack in June with the same group allied with Brazil Lulzsec
Other interesting dates were 2005 and 2007, when strange blackouts left more than 4 million people in the dark. Dates were also possible causes Hacker ...
And so we left behind even in Laws, as countries such as Chile and Argentina already have a Digital Law.
Forming groups and foundations such as the hackers hacking group Lulzsec Brazil, Anonymous, etc ... will be greater and greater number attacks committed;
There will always be attackers and defenders. When new holes are conquered, sites and more sites have attempted intrusions and / or invasion.
Governmental units are apparent when attacked, but what happens to the sites of small and medium enterprises?.
These are in constant attacks but not much media for this, only when a large bank or a large company is the target, then yes ....
For hackers, train invasion is easy when you have such sites to test, approve
and put into production in just over one hour.
The same tools used for safety and good of an organization, is also used by hackers, and most of the time, with greater dexterity.
It is worth mentioning here that several hackers memorable names such as Kevin Mitinik, but I believe his record as a hunter was the best hacker in his time and his name is Tsutomu Shimomura whose side was good. There is a word that hacker turned to bad programming. Hacker has always been and always will be the subject of raids, but at other times, this word was deemed knowledgeable in the improvement of our environment and that in this new era fading to the dark side of the Force Word Cracker better define an invasion but this is a topic for another story here in the IT specialists (
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